IPACTL(8)                                                            IPACTL(8)

       ipactl -- control utility for ipa(8)

       ipactl -h|v

       ipactl [-n] [-s socket] [-w timeout]
              [[-a autorule] -r rule [-l limit|-t threshold]] command [args]

       ipactl  is  the utility for controlling ipa(8) on-the-fly.  The control
       is done by sending messages to a well  known  Unix  domain  socket  for
       ipa(8) and ipactl.  It is necessary to enable an Unix domain socket for
       receiving control messages and grand access to users who are allowed to
       send control messages in ipa.conf(5) before using ipactl.  Read details
       about access control in the ipa.conf(5) manual page.

       ipactl utility also can be used as a source of statistics for  a  rule,
       even if this rule does not use any accounting system.

       Available options are: domain socket.

       -a autorule
              Specify an autorule name.

       -r rule
              Specify a rule name.

       -l limit
              Specify a limit name.

       -t threshold
              Specify a threshold name.

       -n     Do not wait for an answer from ipa(8) (asynchronous regime).

       -s socket
              Connect to the given socket instead of connecting to the default

       -w timeout
              Specify number of seconds to wait for  an  answer  from  ipa(8).
              Zero  means  infinite  timeout (this is default).  Actually this
              timeout is used for two or three separate system calls.

       -h     Print the help message about available options and exit.

       -v     Show the version number, configuration settings and exit.

       If -l or -t option is used, then the -r option also should be used.

       Available commands are (required options are in parenthesis):

       create (-a, -r)
              Create a dynamic rule.

       delete (-r)
              Delete a dynamic rule.

       dump (no opts)
              Force dumping statistics to database, after receiving the answer
              from  ipa(8),  it  is  possible  that ipa(8) will be freezed for
              sleep_after_dump seconds (see ipa.conf(5)).

       expire (-r, -l)
              Expire the limit if it was already reached, even if it does  not
              have  the  expire  section; but if it has the expire section and
              there are commands in this section, then these commands will  be

       freeze (no opts)
              Freeze  work  of ipa(8), after receiving the answer from ipa(8),
              you can be sure, that ipa(8) will  be  freezed  for  freeze_time
              seconds (see ipa.conf(5)).

       memory (no opts)
              Output  information  about  used  memory, about memory zones and
              memory arrays (using statistics from ipa_memfunc functions).

       restart (-r, -l)
              Restart the limit if it is currently not reached,  event  if  it
              does  not  have  the  restart section; but if it has the restart
              section and there are commands in this section, then these  com-
              mands will be run.

       set limit [+|-]value [counter [+|-]value] (-r, -l)
              Change the value of the limit parameter for the limit, it should
              have  the  load_limit  parameter  set  to  ``yes''.   Optionally
              limit's counter also can be changed in the same command.

       set threshold [+|-]value [counter [+|-]value] (-r, -t)
              Change  the  value of the threshold parameter for the threshold,
              it should have the  load_threshold  parameter  set  to  ``yes''.
              Optionally  threshold's  counter also can be changed in the same

       set counter [+|-]value (-r, -l, -t)
              Change rule's, limit's or threshold's counter.

       status (no opts, -a, -r, -l, -t)
              Output different status information.

       In all commands `+' means increasing and `-' means decreasing  of  cur-
       rent value (value of a counter, value of limit or threshold parameter).

       For commands expire, restart and set the new state of a limit is regis-
       tered  in  the  database  immediately.   If a limit is inactive, then a
       limit (and its rule) is set to active and after updating of the limit's
       state a limit (and its rule) is set to inactive again.

       The  set  command  for  a  rule allows only to increase or decrease the
       rule's counter.  Read paragraph about statistics and  negative  statis-
       tics  in the ipa.conf(5) manual page to understand what's going on when
       you decrease statistics.  If some of rule's limits  or  thresholds  are
       inactive, then their statistics is not updated, only the rule's counter
       and active rule's limits and thresholds are  updated.   If  a  rule  is
       inactive, then it is set to active and after updating of rule's statis-
       tics a rule is set to inactive again, but any limit or threshold is not
       set to active.

       The  set command for a rule can change statistics for rule's limits and
       thresholds.  Updated limits' and thresholds'  statistics  will  not  be
       checked  immediately, checking for limits and thresholds will be sched-
       uled and will happen as quickly as possible.

       If a limit is reached and after command set it becomes not reached  and
       if  it  has  the expire section, then no commands from this section are

       If a limit (sublimit) is not reached and after command set  it  becomes
       reached  and  if  it has the reach section, then all commands from this
       section are run.

       The set command for a limit has one side effect: if a  limit  does  not
       have  the load_limit with the value ``yes'', and it is reached, and the
       value of the limit parameter in the database is not equal to the  value
       of  the limit parameter in the configuration file, then if you change a
       limit's counter, then a counter and the value of  the  limit  parameter
       (real value) are updated together in the database.

       For command set the new state of a threshold is registered in the data-
       base immediately even if a threshold is inactive as in the case of lim-
       its,  but  new  threshold's  settings  will  be checked on next thresh-
       old_time_slice time event.

       ipactl accepts value as a decimal 64-bit integer, time or bytes.   For-
       mats  for  time  and  bytes  are  similar  with  the  same  formats  in

       Output information about memory usage:

           ipactl memory

       Output status information about limit:

           ipactl -r rule -l limit status

       Create dynamic rule:

           ipactl -a autorule -r rule create

       Add 10 Mbytes to the limit parameter:

           ipactl -r rule -l limit set limit +10M

       ipactl exits with a return code 0 on success; 1 if it cannot parse com-
       mand line, cannot send a command or receive an answer from ipa(8); 2 if
       it receives the answer from ipa(8) and this answer says that  execution
       of  a  control  command  in  ipa(8)  failed.   If it is run with the -n
       switch, then it is impossible to find out from a  return  code  whether
       ipa(8) successfully executed the given control command or not.


       (run ipactl with the -h switch and check default path)

       ipa(8), ipastat(8), ipa.conf(5), ipastat.conf(5), ipa_mod(3)

       Andrey Simonenko <simon@comsys.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua>

       If you find any, please send email me.

                               January 27, 2007                      IPACTL(8)